::::::sigh:::::: Sometimes I go overboard on certain supplements, but this time I out and out ruined my smoothie and I am suffering through it despite the hideous taste because it is good for me. BLECH!
Not to mention the ingredients are all pricey and not easy to dispose of, especially when I am short on all of them. I am down to my gross-tasting Maca powder, cacoa nibs instead of powder and I opened up the new package of Mesquite that I have been avoiding and put in waaaaaaay too much. It has a very distinct flavor -- and leaves almost a metallic after-taste. Some say that it tastes sweet and nutty, but I think it tastes like the water left in a drain. But that's just me.
it is high in protein (11–17%). It is also rich in lysine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and dietary fiber.
Mesquite is also highly effective in balancing blood sugar. Because its sugar is in the form of fructose, which does not require insulin for metabolism, mesquite helps maintain a constant blood sugar level for a sustained period of time. It supports the diet of diabetics, and helps maintain a healthy insulin system in others."
Mesquite is also highly effective in balancing blood sugar. Because its sugar is in the form of fructose, which does not require insulin for metabolism, mesquite helps maintain a constant blood sugar level for a sustained period of time. It supports the diet of diabetics, and helps maintain a healthy insulin system in others."
I am really suffering through this -- and I thought by reminding myself of all the greatness of mesquite it would be easier. But it's not! I am not picky about food and have a very open mind when it comes to drinking things. I drink vinegar! But there is something about this, probably the after-taste, that is doing me in. And the remnants of cacoa nibs floating around in my mouth afterwards aren't helping either!
I need to get me to a health food store stat and replenish my dwindling supplies! The purpose of my daily smoothie is not to ingest a ton of fruit -- I use it purely as a vehicle to ingest all the superfoods that give me boundless energy and healthy skin and shiny hair and an overall sense of well-being. I've tried stirring the different powders in water and trying to bolt it down, but each of them have their own unique flavors, and for the most part can be somewhat masked by the addition of a handful of blueberries or strawberries and banana.
Last night I was tired. Three nights ago I stayed up until 2:30 a.m. to finish a book, and got up the following morning at 8:00. The next night I stayed up until 1:00 a.m. watching a movie, and the following morning was up at 8:00 again. The first morning I had my smoothie and superfoods and wasn't the least bit tired, despite the clear lack of sleep. Then yesterday I did not have a smoothie, but instead made myself some cucumber juice because I have a glut of them from the garden. By late evening I was yawning (using facial muscles I rarely put into use because I NEVER yawn because I am NEVER tired). And I realized that while I can have a late night or two and not be tired, I can't have two consecutive late nights and NOT have my energy-filled smoothie.
So, I keep forcing this disgusting concoction down, because tomorrow is another day, and it will not have mesquite in my smoothie.
I guarantee that!
Can't you take what you still have and mix THAT with something else? Make your one drink into two by adding something that might cover the taste? That's what I do when I juice some concoction that does not taste as good as I thought it should. I throw it back in there with an apple, some strawberries and/or a banana and I'm good to go ... sure, I'm ingesting more .... but not much more.
I was already making a lot because I was making it for three -- I did add more blueberries and coconut water; but at this point the blender was full and there was already more stuff than anyone wanted to drink.
So yes, you are right, but this stuff is POWERFUL and I could tell it was going to take a lot to mask it. So I just "sucked it up," literally!!!
I hold my nose when I have to eat/drink something that I just can't stand. It helps.
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