Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rain drain

Well, another beautiful (if clouds and rain are your thing) summer day. We decided to hell with it, since this is the new summer it is time to adapt. So, we came to the lake. Kids are swimming in the rain, people are walking in the rain. Really, I suppose it is true that rain won't kill you. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of sitting in the rain. Just not the same thing as sitting in the sun. Go figure.

So, since the weather isn't top notch, I thought it would be a good time to clean the cottage up a bit. The first thing I decided to do was find out if there was actually carpet underneath all of the grass and dirt. Since it does rain most of the time, kids have been tracking in crap. And even though there was a rule once upon a time that if you were wet you came in the backdoor, I don't actually see that happening these days. Is it because I don't enforce it? I think the difference is that when Nana is here, she is in the house and can catch them. I am usually outside and scream at them after the fact.

Not that they care. I have been screaming about wet towels left laying around since the beginning of time, and I am not sure, but it seems that problem is getting worse!

So, I hauled out the vintage vacuum cleaner and turned it on and started to push it around. It did a great job of pushing around the bits and pieces on the floor, but it did not seem to eliminate any. I changed the vacuum bag, thinking that might help. Nope. I then put my hand at the bottom of the hose to see what type of suck was happening. Only a whisper of suck. I played around with it, but the thing is just old. The hose is fraying and probably doesn't let the suck happen in force. I looked for some tape to take care of that, but the last time I saw the electric tape it was being wrapped around one of the kids cut foot. Naturally they did not return it to where it belongs. Wherever that is, I searched high and low.

So, with great disgust I pushed the bits and pieces around some more and then gave up. So what that means is that I have to bring my own vacuum cleaner over at some point, but it is heavy and clunky and I'm not doing it until the last moment. So a dirty cottage it will be.

Oh! I see a patch of blue sky. Could it be possible ???

I hope that when it is sunny for a few days in a row, my blogs get more positive!

It's just been that kind of day. First I had to drive 45 minutes to pick up my share from the CSA I belong to. Because of this weather, nothing is really growing, and I knew this, so it was hard to drive all that way for a little bit. I got a bunch of radishes, a small head of lettuces, a small bag of mesclun mix and a bunch of chard. I can always use the lettuces, but I'm not a huge fan of radishes and the chard is delish but my plan was to have caesar salad for dinner. With chard?

Then, I dropped Charlie off at the lake and returned home to pick up Maddie to take her to driver's ed. so she could drive. Then I drove back to the lake and hauled in groceries and such and did the cleaning attempt and in a few minutes I have to drive back to get Maddie. And then take her to driver's ed. class at 6:30 tonight and then pick her up at 8:30 tonight.

Does any of that sound fun to you?

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