Friday, July 24, 2009

Pre-vacation lull

I am at the cottage on the lake. It is fabulous out. While others might think that the weather is frightful -- it is actually quite peaceful and beautiful. The raindrops have receded and the sun is etched out between the clouds. The reflection of the sunbeams on the water, which is calm and still, are intoxicating.

Or is that the wine?

After a full day of packing and cleaning the house, it is delightful to sit here, on the porch, and enjoy a mid-summer evening. Because the weather is so bad, there is no one here. It is dead calm, and Peter and I are going to go out on the boat for dinner. It will be nice, as I won't see him for a week, as I am leaving tomorrow afternoon.

I am just loving the new me in regards to packing: I do it so frequently that it is a piece of cake. I spent more time today putting together a slide show than I did packing. And I popped into the garden for a brief stint and decided that I am sacrificing the kale to the insects that are eating it, because nothing else is being eaten, and well. I get sacrifice. And I can get kale cheap at Musterfield farm.

Oh! The clouds are breaking up. I can see mountains in the distance. I can see the forest for the trees if you will.

If I don't have internet for the next two weeks, I wish you all a beautiful and sunshine-filled scrap of summer. Because you have to believe I have been intending for these next two weeks to be fab.


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