What a day!
I woke up having that expectation you feel when you are a little kid waking up on Christmas morning. That, Oh! Something good happens today! feeling that makes it a different day, indeed.
It was beautiful and sunny out and I met my sister and husband at Mt. Sunapee for a day of skiing. We were in the flow ... we skied over slopes that were in great condition, it wasn't too cold, it wasn't too hot ... it was just right. We skied and we skied, and then just a little before noon we went up to the Pub to catch the swearing in of our first black president of the United States.
And, as we were in the flow, we walked, (well clonked, with our big ski boots) into a room that was as quiet as a library. Everyone was sitting with their bodies turned towards the large-screen TV in the corner, and no one was uttering a word. It was so cool! Oh, we were in the flow, because there was a table, a big table big enough for us and all our friends, right there, the only one empty, perfect, right in front of the tube.
Excellent. And it was magical, I swear! I mentioned energy earlier, and you could definitely feel that it was a special time. After he was sworn in, we all broke out into applause, and then we quieted down to hear his speech. It wasn't that long and there was one comment he made that made us look at each other ... and nothing he said was surprising. It felt right, it wasn't something to get that incredible crowd going, it wasn't too long and it wasn't too short ... it was just right!
It was fun to then return to the slopes for another round, and then return to the pub where the ceremonies were still going on. We watched the parade and we watched as the Obama's walked down the street, waving, walking, walking, waving.
And now, we are home, and those poor people are still keeping it going on. Wow. I am so happy not to be the POTUS right now!
What a job.
But I still remember that I am part of the process. I won't let him down.
It's all ... just right!
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