Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I know how eager you must be to have this all cleared up and please know that I am happy to assist you further.

I know how eager you must be to have this all cleared up and please know that I am happy to assist you further.

This is what I kept getting from the Apple Store.  Ya think?  What I think is so funny is that **I** have to provide all the information in order for them to do anything, when in this case I am trying to BUY something, but it isn't working!  And I keep getting the above line, and then a request for more information.  Which galls me because in this information age I know they have every scrap and morsel of information they need, but this is a stalling tactic.  But don't pretend you are happy to assist me when your first line of defense is to respond that you are happy to help me but you want me to provide you with MORE information ... THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE!

This has generated over eight emails.  All beginning with the above line.  I am grinding my teeth.  My eyes have rolled so far back in their sockets, they hurt.

I am EAGER to hurt someone right now.  Will anyone be happy to assist me in THAT endeavor?!!!!

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