Charlie had texted me shortly before I left and asked if the roof was on the Jeep. I had decided to put it on earlier, when we were going out to dinner, because the sky looked a little funky. I didn't bother with putting in the back and back side windows because it was so nice out and I really didn't expect it to rain. He said there was thunder and lightening there and I just assumed it would be gone by the time I got near there.
Yeah, back to that wall of water. There was what looked like heat lightening in the distance off and on throughout the drive, but nothing I would classify as major lightening. No thunder. Then all of a sudden it was as though I passed through a curtain and it was raining SO hard, it was shocking. I turned on the windshield wipers as fast as they go and slowed down to about 30 miles an hour. It had gone from 100 percent visibility to zero in a nanosecond. It was so incredibly freaky, and then all of a sudden the whole world lit up with lightening and those lines, like in the picture above, were EVERYwhere. I swear, the hair stood up on my head. Not because I was hit, but because WHAT THE HELL AND WHERE DID IT ALL COME FROM? I hadn't seen flashes of lightening in a while, and now I was suddenly surrounded by a big ass thunderstorm, BABOOOOOOOOOOM. Let me tell you, it was pretty damn loud in that open Jeep -- the rain was totally hitting me because it was like being in a car wash, the noise was impossible to describe, between the thunder and the rain jamming down upon the canvas top, and the windshield wipers going at a frenetic pace ... I was sitting up with both hands on the wheels just peering out at the road. What road? I couldn't see any damn road. I could see fog and rain, rain everywhere, and then those eerie snaps of lightening which lit up everything in this crazy blue light and I thought, this is a fricking horror movie and the person watching it is screaming at the crazy woman in the open Jeep what the hell are you doing on a deserted highway after midnight?
A thunderstorm would be the last thing to throw me, but this had a violence to it that was disconcerting. That, and not being able to see and having brief thoughts as to whether I was protected at all, since it FELT as though I was outside, all added up to me feeling a little less than confident that I was in a good place. As I creeped along, I wondered if it would ever end. And the closeness of the lightening freaked me out -- those lines everywhere, in front and on the side, I am telling you, I was wondering what the hell I would do if I went off the road. You know, because I COULDN'T SEE THE ROAD.
By creeping along very slowly, I followed the white line. It would disappear in the fog, but when the lightening came I could sort of re-orient myself to the right hand side of the road. It was hairy. And it went on for a good 15 miles. I couldn't get off at the exit I would normally take because I couldn't see anything and without the white line it would be impossible to continue. And I couldn't pull over because that didn't feel safe AT ALL. Not on any level. It would have freaked me out worse! Though now that I am writing this, I could have gotten off the highway and gone under the bridge and taken a breather! But no. It was now 12:30 in the middle of the night and the world had gone crazy. I wasn't stopping! There was not another soul on the highway that entire time. When I got off the exit a cop flew by me going in the opposite direction as me. I wanted to say TAKE ME HOME! Then I thought, maybe he will turn around and pass me and I could follow his lights! But nope, had to adjust to driving without a white line ... and then little by little the rain began to abate. Three miles out from home it was a normal rain storm and a normal display of thunder and lightening.
I'd made it through .... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.