Do not, for one single second, convince yourself that your subjecting yourself to either a dose of radiation (in the case of the body scanners) or a pat-down that includes touching someones balls and breasts is in any way shape or form protecting you on your flight.
(Has anyone read the book the Outliers?)
Listen, I get that we have to do what we do, and I have never complained about going through a metal detector. I think taking off your shoes is moronic and ludicrous, but it's not invasive enough for me to follow through on it.
But I will NOT subject my person to radiation of any kind, and neither should anyone else. They already know that progressive X-rays is dangerous. And in time we will see the damage from our children getting multiple MRI's to diagnose sports injuries, but there is no dispute that radiation is bad for you, and the lesser you are exposed to, the better. Why do you think that there is a "pat down" option? Because when a frequent flier gets diagnosed with cancer down the road and some class action lawyer decides to put together a case, the airline will have that covered. They will state that you CHOSE to do it. Yeah, yeah, I know I sound crazy and all that, but NOTHING has changed since 9/11 (when we lost many rights) that has indicated that the system is not working. The packages with devices that created the recent brouhaha were all on cargo planes. What that says to me is that the terrorists have realized that getting things through security doesn't work.
That means that the security procedures WORK! But isn't it interesting that the government is using yet another opening of terror to slip in yet another item. Hey, there are companies out there making these things -- and they make money if it is MANDATED that all airports have them. Hmmmm.
Don't line the pockets of yet another government-subsidized company ... scream and yell for your rights, stay off planes until they get the message, oh don't give me that it won't work. IT WILL WORK! The airline industry, like most industries in the world, are run on the purchase of goods and service. In this case, the service of being flown from one destination or another. Do I go into my local supermarket to buy a loaf of bread and need to be patted down or given a good dose of radiation? No, and you know why? Because no one would stand for it!!!!
And you could also embarrass the people patting you down by moaning and groaning and acting like it is getting you off.
Whatever works. (That is my idea, but other blogger's have suggested burping and farting ... I guess the point is DO NOT STAND PLACIDLY BY AND LET PEOPLE TOUCH YOU).
This is a good blog on it: http://www.everywhereist.com/hate-full-body-scanners-heres-10-things-you-can-do/

You must check out the link i posted on FB just for YOU!! these photos are hideous!!
Well, most nekkid people are when they are being humiliated. Not sexy at all. Love the link ... I would do that. In a heartbeat. I will only strip because I WANT TO!
It is amazing how revealing these photos actually are! Sheesh!! It is SO wrong!!
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