Today, I write and I keep thinking are they ever getting off this boat? Finally I had to get them off, and then they get stuck on the porch! Several hours and very little advancement! Bleah.
It is FREEZING cold here. I have closed all the windows and now I am considering turning on heat. How ridiculous is that? Wednesday I was sitting on the beach. I think I will draw an angel card. That is my new latest thing.
Yesterday I drew a card that completely spoke to me. It was called Cancel, Clear, Delete. The message of the card was to "Use only positive words and thoughts, as they're rapidly manifesting into form. Ask the angels to cancel the effects of past negative thinking." There is a companion booklet, which translates into a teeny tiny square that might be a book to say a hobbit, but to me is torture. I actually have to use those reader glasses to see the print. Anyway, for Cancel, Clear, Delete it says this: (wait, I have to put on those dumb glasses first)
Have you been complaining or worrying lately ? Do you consider yourself a victim of outside circumstances or people? This card indicates that you've been using negative affirmations to describe yourself and your situations. The angels are asking you to be more aware of what you say, think, and write about yourself. Your past choice of words has blocked you, but fortunately, that barrie is removed the moment you choose positive words.
Action: If you catch yourself saying something negative (even in jest) stop and sweep your hand at the wrist in order to push the energy of your words away from you and then say Cancel, Clear, delete! You let the universe know of your positive and clear outlook for yourself. You ensure that any previous negative affirmations won't manifest in form; instead they will be replaced by your new, radiant intentions.
Okay, so that was yesterday, and when I took my shower I had all these negative things running through my head and all of a sudden, without warning, I tapped my wrist and said Cancel, Clear, Delete! And whammo, it worked.
Then later, as I was getting ready for bed, I realized that once again I had some negative stuff running through my mind, and I did the same thing. It was SO COOL!
So these cards are new, and I am quite unsure as to what I am supposed to do, so I have to read this impossible to read booklet while speaking to the angels and asking them to assist me, blah blah blah. But the directions say that while you are shuffling the cards and thinking of your question, if a card happens to fall out, just leave it be, because it is important. A card did fall out, face down, and it was Cancel, Clear, Delete! I swear, the hairs all over my body stood on end and I was completely flooded with energy. Because I LOVE that card, and when I put it back in the deck before shuffling, I even thought, I love that card! (It also has a picture of a really studly angel bearing a sword, with long brown hair and angel wings of course, but I am sure that is now what attracted me to it!) So cool.
Then, I continued shuffling the cards while asking "am I supposed to be writing this book," because as I stated, the book just isn't flowing today. And here is the card I drew:
Earth Angel ... you are a lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about love.
This card comes to you in response to your question about your life's purpose. The answer is: Teach about love. You fulfill this task whenever you're centered, serene and loving, as that's when you're a role model of Divine peace. You needn't say a word, WRITE A BOOK, or work as a healer in order to positive affect others. You merely need to be loving and compassionate in your interactions with others. Those who are peaceful teach about peace, which is the expression of Divine love on Earth.
What I find so interesting about this is that writing and being a healer are two of the things I am most drawn to do. When I say healer, I mean I want to learn all about herbs (and have been over the years) that can be used for healing purposes. I guess I should look at the writing not as my life's purpose, but that which makes me calm, therefore enabling me to be serene and loving!
Anyway, my mood has greatly altered and get this ... the sun came out.
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