I started this book some time ago -- actually I have no idea. Months? I don't think it has been a year, but I don't know. Anyway, when I was writing it it was very intense, and I would often find myself bawling as I typed away. The whole experience was maybe too much, because I eventually pulled back and focused on something else, and interestingly enough, if asked I wouldn't even say this is the book I am working on.
So, I am making sure that I am taking all the things I want to work on on my trip, and I saw this book and thought, Wow. I'd forgotten about that. How does one FORGET about a book they are writing? I don't know. I know that I found this one challenging -- and that I'd reached a point where I just didn't know where to take it. But when I have a book in my head, it is all-consuming, and pretty much every moment of my day I am thinking about it, trying to move the plot along, going through 100 different scenarios until I reach one that feels right. Then I sit down and write (and sometimes that begins at dawn and ends at midnight.)
Now obviously that is a ridiculous way to live a life that contains other things -- like a husband, children, friends, other interests. But I am an all-or-nothing gal, plain and simple, and if I can't sit down and write until the cows come home, I will opt out, until eventually the book sort of ebbs out of my consciousness.
So I opened up Chapter 1 one of this book in progress and within several paragraphs I was completely spellbound. OH YEAH! I'd forgotten this book. I'd forgotten how compelling the characters are and how they had all but sucked me dry! And as I found myself sobbing, it all came back to me, how I had written these very words crying as well! I devoured each chapter, not wanting to change a thing (this in itself is amazing) and was beside myself when I read the last of the last. All she wrote.
And now, with only a few days to wrap up things, pack and be on my merry way, I am ...
O B S E S S E D.
I have the pictures of the two main characters taped on the wall in my office. I have stared at these faces for months, not really seeing them. Now, they are speaking to me. (I get a mental picture of a character in my head and then when I see them in a magazine, I tear them out and hang them up.) I can hear their dialog in my head, and the story, which had somehow hit a roadblock, is now as clear to me as though I've always known it. In fact, I am not sure where I was blocked! For I know where it's all supposed to go. But why? I don't have those kinds of hours to put in right now. Is this just to get me excited? Am I supposed to finish this book in Sedona? It's SHEEER torture is what it is.
But if I start ... I won't stop. So I can't even take that cork out! So I am blogging instead! You know, I remembered blogging about this and so I looked it up, and sure enough, it was a YEAR ago that this book attacked me. How odd that it's been a whole year. The following was blogged on February 5, 2008:
Attacked by a bug. A bug bearing gifts
And how. I woke up this morning to find out that Charlie had a two-hour delay, and so I stayed in bed, hoping to fall back asleep. Instead I started to think of this book idea, and it became kind of strong, so I sat down at the computer, and here I am about 10 hours later, elated, full of energy and three chapters down!
Quite the bug! I was feverish, writing like mad all day long. It just poured out. I have no idea where it came from or what it is about or where it is going -- but it seems to know. I mean, I obviously have an idea, but each chapter fleshed itself out and I
thought at the end of Chapter 2 I didn't have anymore to say, but apparently I did! I only stopped because people were bugging me. (It's always a bug of one kind or another!) I also of course did not deal with dinner, so we are going out to eat, though I'd rather just sit here.
I suspect it will be a late night. But don't worry, I won't get "writed out" by the book itself. I believe this blog "unblogged my clog" and there are many, many, many words ready to flow!!!
So, how fun is it that this record of my life exists and I can go back and read that I felt exactly as I do now a year ago? My journal entry: Writing a new book. Not the same as what I blog!
(Just so you know, I spent the last half hour reading through February 2008 blogs. Very fun.)
Blog out.
That really is quite remarkable...and having a record of it even more so...
Although I think the picture would have been better when you were blogging about trying to fix your laptop! That is what I thought it was going to be about!!
Keep packing...I hear your bag is HUGE!!!
Yeah, picture not so great. But then again, my laptop does freak me out since it's broken, so ...
Yeah. Bag is gi-normous! I've changed my frame of thought now though. Why bring sneakers AND hiking boots, when if you ABSOLUTELY need sneakers you can just buy them there?
And ditto on everything else! Not going to the moon! So I'll keep the big bag to bring everything I buy HOME with me!!!
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