I am going to begin this with a disclaimer: Yes, it all sounds weird and new-agey and even freaky. And it is all of those things, but it is also much, much more.
Not last weekend but the weekend before I attended a workshop on the basics of core shamanism. I sort of stumbled upon it -- I wasn't seeking additional information on shamanism -- but it sounded appealing. (And I could add that the angel cards were all for it, but I suppose one should only introduce one layer of "out there" at a time!)
I had met with a shaman in Sedona several years ago, but this was entirely different. This was about going on journeys on your own for specific reasons, and also learning what shamanism is (at its core). And really, all it is, from my perspective, is checking in.
Let me explain. First of all, trying to explain a journey is like trying to describe being in love with someone. For the most part, people understand love, but all words that you use -- he is cute, funny, makes me laugh, completes me (hahaha) -- are all pretty insufficient in terms of describing the way you feel. The way you feel is just good. Right? Just filled up and warm and happy and ecstatic and the world is just a wonderful place to be.
That is what a journey is like, in part. The details of a journey -- listening to a drum beat, taking an intent and focusing on it, visualizing yourself going into the lower world or upper world -- are all fairly universal in the world of shamanic journeying. Is it real? I guess that would be the same question as is love real. Do you feel love? Because you can't see it and properly describe it doesn't really negate its existence. (Though I guess this isn't a good comparison, because you can absolutely see love.)
Over the course of the weekend we did 8 journeys. Some were intense, some were huge let downs (like my first one where nothing happened and I couldn't get myself to enter the lower world through a tree, or anything, and was thoroughly frustrated) and some were incredibly profound. By the end of the second day, around 3:00, I was done ... and in truth, it was a lot to take in over the course of two days. I sat there for the next three hours wondering why the hell I was there! And when it finally did conclude, everyone began chatting with each other and exchanging email addresses and the like, and I just left. Like I said, I was done.
I felt infused with energy on my long ride home and yet, was not sure a shaman I would be! They had discussed other workshops and I didn't feel drawn to them at all, and overall, I was glad I had done it, but I wasn't excited about pursuing it any further.
And yet, there was this residual feeling the entire following week that was just so amazing. I felt different, I felt calm and happy and full of love. It felt as though I'd been given an innoculation of BIG LOVE and it was just pouring out of my pores. It was wonderful!

And yet, I did not pursue another journey. I didn't meditate or do any of my morning rituals. I guess, in truth, I was just coasting on my high, completely loving the love. Then yesterday I was so hungry, I couldn't seem to eat enough. I had my regular kefir/smoothie/coffee breakfast and it was as though I hadn't ingested a thing. I had an english muffin and a leftover piece of pizza ... and that was pretty much how the day went on. I am having a party tonight and yesterday I created a menu that was bizarre in its content because EVERYTHING sounded so delicious. I had an appetite that could not be quenched, and that disgusted, bloating feeling you get when you overeat just didn't come. So this morning when I woke up hungry, I thought, what is going on?

So I thought, maybe it is time to journey again. The one thing that I did not meet success with over that weekend was meeting with my power animal. Nearly everyone there had one, and while I have had experiences in nature with power animals, the journey world did not offer one up. So this morning I downloaded a drumming CD, sat down, put on my blindfold thing and off I went in search of my power animal.
I hate snakes, as I have mentioned before, and my greatest fear was that a snake would be a power animal. And sure enough, I was in this stream when it was suddenly writhing with snakes. I wasn't afraid of them, though I wasn't all yeah, yahoo, I am surrounded by snakes, but they kept asking me, why? Why are you afraid of us? (And since I have no idea, I am returning at a later date to ask that very question!) But this trip was about power animals, namely mine, and please angels above, do NOT make it a snake! After a little more chatting with the snakes (and when I inquired as to whether or not they were my power animal, they never answered, which is a GOOD sign!) this huge bird flew in and sort of landed. I could see the head, and it kept turning towards me, it had a yellow beak and a white head and black feathers .... and it was quite large, and he scared those snakes away, for which I was very grateful. But he wouldn't speak to me either, or answer my question of are you my power animal. So I moved on. I ambled into a cave and there was a drum circle with (Indians?) sitting around a fire, but they were below me, and I sat at the edge and watched them. And suddenly a bear sat down next to me. Are you my power animal? I asked (does anyone remember the book, Are You My Mother?") That is exactly what this journey felt like! And the bear nodded! Yahoo, I had found my power animal. At first he was a black bear and kind of stiff looking. Then he turned brown and was a little softer, and then I explained to him that I had had a stuffed bear once that was all cute and cuddly, and he said he could be that bear too. (Don't you love the lower world?! So accommodating!) Then he wrapped me up in a huge bear hug and just held me ... and that feeling of love just pulsed through me. It was sheer heaven.
If you have bear as power animal, you will most probably be quieter during the winter months, which is similar to the bear hibernating during the winter. But in the spring you must awaken to seek whatever opportunities arise. Be fearless in standing up for what you believe in. You are also encouraged to use your abilities as a natural healer. Bear is linked to trees, considered to be natural antennas, joining the heavens and the Earth. Bear also has ties to the seven colour rays of the Universal Light, as well as Lunar associations, linking the conscious and subconscious mind.
Hibernating during the cold winter months, means bears know instinctively when the time is right and where to go. They also know when to wake back up. From this we can see it is good to know and realise that we sometimes need to be alone, to ponder and reflect, to examine our thoughts and emotions, where we are headed on our life journey. We need to trust and follow our instincts. Bear is active day and night, not like other animals, symbolising his connection with solar energy, strength and power, lunar energy and intuition. This enhances and teaches us how to develop these qualities within ourselves.
Bear medicine teaches us introspection, aiding us to digest (I found this word most interesting considering my food experience yesterday!) our experiences and to discover that we have within ourselves the answers to all our questions. We all have bags of wisdom, if only we slow down and listen to what our intuition, our inner knowing voice is telling us. It is useful to be with yourself at times, so you can be yourself and are able to uncover your own answers to whatever challenge you are facing. On the other hand, just like Bear you need to know when to come out of 'hibernation' and to interact with others.
Sometimes bears are over confident and to quick to act on their fiery anger. Although possessing perhaps just a trace of fear they can forget caution, an important characteristic to own. If bear is your guide try not to forget caution. If you are unaware, or even disregard your limits, this can have consequences you may not want!
All very interesting. During the workshop we had to go on a journey for a partner to seek a healing for them. My partner said that he thought my power animal was a raccoon. And that so didn't feel right. I just nodded and thanked him, but like I said, it didn't feel right.
The bear feels totally right.
1 comment:
The Bear is PERFECT for you! Now tell him to eat the snakes.
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