Ahhhh, there really isn't anything better than blue skies, sunshine and a gentle breeze streaming through the house to put you in a good mood! Yesterday it was in the high eighties here -- a season where it is almost always cold and rainy and gray. So even though this wacky weather is a bit concerning, I have to admit if global warming means we get less winter here in New Hampshire, well, I put that in the plus column!
Also in that column is the ability to get gardens started earlier -- or a longer growing season altogether -- more weeks before black flies infiltrate and just the overall joy of being outside instead of inside holed up and dreaming for warmer climes.
In the negative column is the fact that we need rain. The lake is as low as I have ever seen it for this time of year (when it is usually the opposite) and the concern that if I do actually plant plants in the garden, it might snow! I mean, it is mid-April and I am afraid I might be pushing things. Am I? It's hard to say. I went swimming in the lake yesterday. Oh, I could feel the fact that it recently had ice in it, but still, times they are a'changing, and I guess it is better to be further north as it does. Our stay in Florida was quite warm, and locals said that it was unseasonably hot there, for that time of year. Then there are all these crazy storms across the country.
But is this due to global warming or is it just typical weather patterns that are being reported on more frequently? I mean, Oklahoma gets tornadoes, as do many states in the midwest. So are there more tornadoes than normal? I have no idea, since I don't live there. I can only report on the state of the weather in my own state -- and it is definitely different. But the ice did go out on the lake this time a hundred years ago (or less) and it was 90 degrees in April another time....and all that time in between the world hasn't come to an end.
As for devastation, since I was a small child I have heard that California is going to fall into the ocean and that states bordering the San Andreas fault could just up and fall into it without warning. I just couldn't imagine why people would choose to live in these areas! I didn't even venture to California until only a handful of years ago! I mean, it's GOING TO FALL INTO THE OCEAN!
Yesterday, when I began this it was in the high seventies. Due to the fact it was nearly 90 the day before that, every window in the house was open. Last night I started to close a few as it seemed chilly. This morning it was FREEZING in the house and the heat was on. I checked the outside temp and it was 40. No extreme temperature fluctuations THERE ... unless you count a 50 degree switch in two days extreme! What is so interesting is how it plays with your brain. Yesterday I was getting stressed that I haven't planted all of my seeds. This morning I am worried about all the seedlings I have that are going to eventually have to be planted in the garden ... which suddenly today seems way too early to even be considering! Geesh. Two days ago I was refilling the hot tub wondering when I thought I would actually use it, as it was so hot. This morning I wanted to jump into it because I was freezing!
No one knows if global warming is real. I guess we'll know they were right when the movie 2012 happens, not that long to wait really. Of course, California is still there ... but they MIGHT be right. Or maybe that is what a living planet does to heal itself ... creates weather to shake things up a bit ... maybe this is all completely normal. I love extremes -- when we get a blizzard I hope we get stuck on our mountain for days! That has never actually happened, but I think it would be fun. I guess I don't want as much snow as certain parts of Alaska received where it buried people in their houses. At least I don't think so. Still seems kind of fun.
Mostly I just have to wrap my head around having three different seasons in a week. I guess as long as I am flexible and have jeans, shorts, flip flops and clogs and long and short-sleeved shirts at my disposal, and a jacket to throw in for the really cold days, it will be fine. I just don't want to put the top on the Jeep.
If global warming means we get more warm weather in New Hampshire, then sign me up. But just stop teasing!~
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