A nut job!
I am very tied in to the moon -- always have been. When it is full I feel very much alive (and very much unable to sleep) and my period also has always followed its schedule. That was until my period decided that it wanted to space itself out much less, so bye bye moon schedule, hello twice a monthers. So now I don't always have my period when it is a full moon (and didn't always when I was regular either, but I was right in there somewhere, and if I was wondering where I fell in my cycle, a quick check in the sky always gave me a clue.)
This is called peri-menopause -- when your periods jump off the regular train and jumps on to the merry-go-round. I've had it for a while now, years. It shouldn't even be considered unusual, except that every time I get a period twice in one month, I am LIVID and enraged that I have been lied to once again (the first time was when I discovered that the gestation period of a human child was TEN months, instead of the nine they'd been feeding us our whole lives.) How am I being lied to now? I don't know, it just feels that way! Oh, did I mention that being unreasonable is also a symptom of the whole deal?
I have been documenting my "change of seasons" periods for a long time now, ever since I figured out that "these weird periods that attack me brutally" were actually four times a year. Seasonal Period Disorder? Whatever, I am not big on the disorders, but I am sure it has a lot to do with how tuned in you are to your body. My body and I, we are tuned quite well, thank you very much, and I have always been kind of an even-keel type person. I don't have crazy PMS, I am not especially moody and I am never, ever, never depressed.
So when I am, there is a huge red flag waving in front of me screaming ... IT'S COMING WATCH OUT MAN ALL THE HATCHES THIS IS GOING TO BE A DOOZY.
And so it is. Or was. I think, some five days out from the onset of the storm, I am free and clear until what, another few weeks? Oh, that DOES MAKE ME ANGRY. No one should have to have more than one period per month. It should be a law.
So. I was all excited about the summer solstice -- I could actually feel the earth rejoicing at reaching that pinnacle that is the longest day of the year. I felt so full of energy and joy the day before and I thought, oh we should have a party! We should celebrate, I feel like celebrating SO MUCH!
Then I woke up the next day and pretty much decided there was no particular reason to get up. At all. I didn't want to take my six mile walk, I didn't want to read. I didn't want to DO ANYTHING. (This is what I am referring to when I say RED FLAG!) I didn't want to be outside on the gorgeous day and all the things I had to do I put off, by saying I just didn't feel like it.
For the next three days I felt like this. But of course, did not put two and two together because I had seriously JUST HAD a period, so it wasn't on my radar. I didn't know what was wrong -- I just wasn't myself. At all.
Then, it came, and that night out on the boat, I saw the most amazing full moon (coming in two days time) and it all clicked. But that next day I was fine, but man oh man oh man, that full moon day was BRUTAL. I haven't had a period like that in eons. And then I pretty much felt as though I had been picked up, chewed and spit out and then someone had come along and kicked me for good measure.
Yesterday after my walk I could barely make it to a horizontal surface so I could lay down. It always freaks me out when I get tired in the middle of the day -- because it doesn't happen, I have never been a napper and I usually have loads of energy. I couldn't even conceive of making a green juice -- the thought of all that WORK just exhausted me. It's ridiculous.
But I woke up this morning feeling fine and took my six miler and felt great and now I am just trying to figure out what the hell Mother Nature with her seriously bad attitude is thinking serving up a 67 degree day just hours before the first of JULY. I woke up this morning, with the windows all wide open, absolutely freezing. I am currently wearing jeans because I have a chill. I was just outside in the garden and I was sweating. The breeze picks up, and it is cold. The breeze dies down, and it is hot in the sun. I don't think it is funny.
On a positive note, I stood in my garden and munched on raspberries and peas ... a lovely combo I must add ... and marveled at how everything else is growing like gangbusters. I have a tomato plant that has stalks that are the biggest I've ever seen. It's like Jack and the Tomato Stalk! It's crazy. What kind of freaky tomatoes is a plant like that going to grow?
I'll let you know! Unless of course the giant gets me!
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