I was going over old blogs today and came across these from last year and thought it would be fun to update it. The answers from last year are still there.
For 2009: I left my family for a month to stay with my parents in Sedona, Arizona. It was an amazing time. I did not abandon my family; I just relocated for a bit!
Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more this year? I don't really do that ... I mean, I of course want to lose weight, exercise more and become all that I can be. The usual.
For 2009: The same answer applies this year as well.
Did anyone close to you give birth? No, I am in that stage where my friends and myself are done having babies and we're in no hurry to become grandmothers.
For 2009: Still no babies.
What countries did you visit? Well none! That isn't right. We'll have to fix that this year.
For 2009: Living for a month in the southwest (a trip to California also tucked in there) was very much like visiting a different country. No complaints ... one of the best times of my life.
What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? More knowledge about the things that I don't know. More patience. The end of the public school system.
For 2009: I got it!!!! The end of the public school system in my life has happened! It is a glorious thing! Already, in 2009/10 our lives have improved one million percent because of this. ONE MILLION PERCENT! Got that you lousy educators? Yeah, I'm talking to you. And I know for a fact you're still doing it! Get another job. All of you!
What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? November 4, 2008 -- the day that Barack Obama was thankfully elected to become the next President of the United States. I cried. A lot.
And October17-20, 2008 when we rented the same house in Chappaquiddick that we did 30 years ago to celebrate my father's 80th birthday.
For 2009: January 20, 2009 -- when Barack Obama was sworn into office. We were sitting in the pub at Mt. Sunapee and the entire room was silent as everyone watched in awe as history was made. Very, very cool.
And Feb. 20-Mar. 20, 2009 when my parents rented a house in Sedona, Arizona and my brother came to visit, as well as my sister and her family. It's nice to have yearly quality family time!
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Gosh, I didn't win the Nobel Prize this year, so I can't claim that. Nor did I scale a really tall mountain. I did lose 20 pounds and learned the secret of losing even more. I don't like this question.
For 2009: I learned, at the very tail end to accept myself for who I am. I didn't realize until it actually happened, that I hadn't! So cool, so freeing. So amazing. It is interesting how the question seems to make so much more sense when you have a decent answer! I like this question!
Did you suffer illness or injury? No. In fact, I don't think I was sick at all, nothing memorable anyway.
For 2009: Nope, no illness.
What was the best thing that you bought? Oh, this one is easy! My JEEEEEEP! The car I've always wanted.
For 2009: The downstairs bathroom has to take the cake in 2009. While I was busy learning about Sedona, shamanism, inner children and the like, Peter was here re-doing the bathroom. It looks FABULOUS! We also replaced the Sequoia last month, which is a huge purchase, but the bathroom prevails.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Charlie's teachers. The way they treat him (and probably the rest of the student population) disgusts me beyond belief. Even if he is the WORST student they have ever had (and believe me, they tell him this) then so what? I'm sorry, but aren't they adults with "training" to teach children? Or did I miss something?
For 2009: Those Americans who blame Obama for the war on terror. It makes me crazy. Rudy Guiliani (however that is spelled) "misspoke" on Good Morning America the other day in saying that we are in such dire straights under this administration; for under Bush there were no terrorist attacks. Oh, he FORGOT to say that with the exception of September 11. Ooops. Seriously? How are we supposed to take these comments? How do you forget about the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor? When 2,388 soldiers died. On 9/11, when Bush was reading to his peers, over 3,000 people were killed. Since the war on terror began, which George Bush was sort of involved in, 4,373 military personnel have died. We're talking SEVEN THOUSAND people who have died while Bush was in office (okay, let's remove a few hundred since he left) and they forgot? NO, I will not go on!!!!
Where did most of your money go? Towards organic food. Seriously.
For 2009: This is easy. Private schools!
What did you get really, really, really excited about? I know this sounds ridiculous, but the first time I drove around in the Jeep with the top down and the music blaring, I couldn't stop smiling. I love my Jeep. (And it's not like I've given birth recently or anything!!!)
For 2009: When we received Charlie's first report card from school. Where they talked about how smart he was. How engaging he was to have in the classroom. Where they focused on all things positive. I cried. (And considered sending it to those child hater's at Kearsarge Regional Middle School, but knew that all they would do is discard it. When you are right, you are always right. Right?)
What song will always remind you of 2008? Anything from the Mama Mia soundtrack. Screaming it at the top of my lungs ... ummm, in the Jeep.
For 2009: Taylor Swift! Every time we'd get in the car I'd beg the kids, put on Taylor! Put on Taylor!
Compared to this time last year, are you a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? I am definitely happier because I am thinner and I am always rich.
For 2009: I am definitely happier in terms of leaving the public school in the dust and many other things. I am currently fatter and like I said last year, always rich!
What do you wish you had done less of? Less getting caught up in stuff like Peak Oil, corporate greed, conspiracy theories and the like. I'd just rather focus on the good stuff. Positive. Flow. Peace.
For 2009: Fought to get Charlie into Proctor Academy. It was a good lesson -- the universe always knows and he is where he's supposed to be. Lesson learned. No more fighting ... more acceptance.
Did you fall in love in 2008? If I say with my Jeep, does that make me shallow? LOL
For 2009: Well no, but that's a good thing, right?
How many one-night stands? The Jeep isn't talking, and neither am I!
For 2009: I can't believe this is a question! Even if I was doing such a thing, I wouldn't admit it!
What was your favorite TV program? One Tree Hill
For 2009: Ellen
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? I don't hate anyone. Except for ... well no. I hate no one.
For 2009: This is not a good question either. All you need is love.
What was the best book you read? In terms of total reading satisfaction, I would have to say Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series and her other book, The Host.
For 2009: Pillars of the Earth and World Without End by Ken Follett.
What was your greatest musical discovery? Secondhand Serenade and Joshua Radin.
For 2009: I have to say, talk radio on Sirius XM!
What did you want and get? Whatever I intended.
For 2009: Yep. Same.
What was your favorite film of the year? A tie between Mama Mia and Twilight.
For 2009: The Hurt Locker. Just an incredible insight into the war in Afghanistan and what it is really about.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 45 and I was busy traveling so it was hard to do something "special," since life was being special!
For 2009: I turned 46 Freedom Acres: Meanderings on May 29 and according to my blog of that day, I gardened.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? To have Charlie in a school situation that was tolerable to both of us.
For 2009: The same as above, considering half of 2009 was all about that.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Hiker chic.
For 2009: Yeah. Jeans, clogs, pink shirts. No where special to go chic!
What kept you sane? Blogging.
For 2009: Definitely that and continuing my quest for spirituality.
What political issue stirred you the most? Sarah Palin and the thought that she could have been voted into office. My hair still stands on end at the thought.
For 2009: For the first time in a long time, I actually had faith in our leader. Not the process, but I do believe that Obama did not become president because he thought it would be fun, or because it was the family business.
Who did you miss? Hallie, because she lives in Chicago. But not so much because we keep in close touch.
For 2009: Hallie was around a lot in 2009 -- and it was awesome!
Who was the best new person you met? All the people I became close to at my raw food class.
For 2009: The people in my Pink Posse Blog.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. You can't change people. Period.
For 2009: That what seems like what you always wanted, is not what you wanted at all. To believe in the process. to let go.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. You Light Up My Life (as sung to the Jeep.) BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
For 2009: I gotta feeling, woo hoo, that tonight's going to be a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good good night, tonight's gonna be a good night. Yeah!
1 comment:
Cute post! I think it's cool that you still have a lot of the same mindsets! and that the whole charlie situation has grown for the better so much.
loved being around so much this year as well!
ps. my mouth feels even better today! woooohooo!
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