Monday, November 30, 2009

Satellite Radio

My latest addiction is listening to really bad radio shows -- only because they are, well, really bad!

In the morning I listen to Mary Occhino who is a psychic and you can call her up and ask her one question. She has this crazy Italian New York accent and half the time I am rolling my eyes. And yet. Every morning Charlie and I turn it to her station immediately! What Mary really wants to do is talk about herself. It often intrigues me that people who tell you to follow the power of the universe and the law of attraction and who have psychic abilities would actually CHOOSE to work 18 hours a day, have no romantic love relationship and are actually concerned about whether or not their new business is going to fail.

Seriously? A caller will call her up and say that they are starting a new business and they want to know if it is going to be successful. ABSOOOOOOOLUTELYYYY she will say. And then go on to say just how successful. Another caller will call up to find out if the relationship they are currently in is going to result in marriage. I am seeing it! she will cry.

And so, I ask, why is she working 18 hours a day and worried about her business failing? Does she not believe? Does she not see it in the cards for herself? Do people who make these phone calls not think about these things? (Obviously I do!)

I am not saying that I don't believe in psychic abilities. I am just saying I find it a little odd that she hasn't manifested herself into some mansion where she can sit poolside and do her radio show with the cabana boy massaging her feet and ... well ... I want my psychic advisor to have it all figured out for themselves first I guess!

Then there is the Rosie O'Donnell show. Really Rosie or something like that. And she bitches that she has to follow the really bad accented woman Mary O-something, which makes me laugh, because let's face it, Rosie is no shrinking violet and is very much more successful than Mary O on a bad day (even though she fights the system and therefore can't work for a major network) but hell, that is what satellite radio is for! And yet, it's kind of mean to pick on someone who is on the same channel as you are! Anyway. Rosie's show isn't all that exciting, her topics are somewhat random and her guests are like her friends who have nothing else better to do. Today there was like five minutes of my life wasted while she and two other people discussed the man (in the room with her) being bored by the topic she was discussing. I mean seriously???

Oooooh, such bad radio. Then there are the Broadminded Broads (I think) and they go off on some tear about something and just go on and on and on. They were absolutely BESIDE THEMSELVES that Donny Osmond won the Dancing with the Stars show and well. They couldn't stop putting the poor windbag down. (They called him that, not me. I mean, he's a little bit rock 'n roll. A part of my childhood.)

And then Barbara Walters has some talkfest with her producer from The View, Bill Gedde. And she sort of kind of flirts with him, which is wrong on many, many levels, and it doesn't work, but she does interview celebrities. Woo hoo! I am never excited when she is on.

And then .... oh and then. There is that BITCH Dr. Laura Schlessinger. OHMYGOD. What is wrong with people? Why would they call her? She is so haughty and prissy and full of shit. Her sarcasm is so mean spirited and yet. And yet! She has a whole bunch of followers who think what she has to say has some merit. I mean, she is the poster child for someone you DO NOT WANT TO BE! Ever! EVER EVER! Why listen to her advice? It's like going to a junkie and asking them for a score and having them belittle you for being SO GODDAMN STUPID for even thinking you are worth the dirt you are standing on, much less worth THE SCORE SHE IS GOING TO DANGLE IN FRONT OF YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Oh my. Really. She doesn't bother me at all.

No, really.

So, I am thinking. I should have a radio show. I can be a psychic and a broadminded broad and I can CERTAINLY hand out advice on anything from should I forgive my rapist step-dad and give him a loan to should I give away my sister's special-needs coke baby because my sister is in jail and my mother has no legs. Seriously. I can. How hard can that be if I introduce just a modicum of COMPASSION and RESPECT and CIVILITY to my answers?

Why oh why do I do this to myself?
Sirius Radio 102.

DO NOT go there!


Tomasen said...

LOL!! I think you absolutely SHOULD do it! You would be much more interesting that all that other stuff!
And BTW...Jeff just lOVES Dr. Laura. ba ha ha hahah ah ah
When he actually quotes her I just start laughing my ass off. Ba ha hahahahahahahaahah

Lisa said...

I really can not imagine what he finds lovable in that woman. And she is more or less a FRAUD! She preaches to people about appreciating their men blah blah blah and she cheated on her first husband twice. And she is a doctor of physiology NOT psychology. And she doesn't speak to any of her immediate family members, so when she tells someone who isn't getting along with their mother to just ditch her, you know why! She has no skills to work things out! OHMYGOD do not get me started!!!!