Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Summer of Excess

Forget about the zucchini, it's now the cucumbers that have taken over. I just pulled 20 from the garden, and there are many more to follow. Maddie and I also picked another 18 quarts of blueberries today. My desk is covered with recipes ranging from zucchini entrees to bread and blueberry cakes, scones and muffins. And now, pickle recipes. I also have to head back out there and get the rest of the peas and well, the lettuce is bolting and I just feel as though a million guests have arrived for a party I'm not prepared for!

Talk about food overload. And it's all so volatile -- it's not like I can pick it all and it will last. Oh no, I have to deal with it PRONTO. I must admit, I left some zucchini on the vine. Why not see how big I can grow one? I mean, let's turn it into a sport! The world's largest zucchini is better than 10 little ones I can't eat!

I am going to check with a food pantry -- of course we have nothing local (or do we, do I not know about something?) but there is one on the way to Charlie's school and he has to do a tour on Friday, so we can stop by and see if they want some of the bounty.

Today it is cloudy and in the 70's with a breeze. In a normal summer, we would call it a yucky day, in terms of not good beach weather. Well, the lack of excessive humidity is a sheer gift from the gods. To sit here and not sweat is a delicious treat. It was perfect blueberry picking weather, I don't think I sweat a drop. Yesterday I picked blueberries for my CSA, and it was brutal in the hot sun. Three days of blueberry picking in a row, with today being a perfect 10. I think we are done!

Last night I drove home in the scariest thunderstorm of my life. I LOVE thunderstorms, I always have. I love the lightening, the booming and crashing, the sheer force of power they bring along with them. Well. Last night it was excessive. That is what I am going to label this summer ... The summer of Excess.

We were on the highway and ahead you could see heat lightening in the sky. Quite a show, really, and I had a feeling that we would hit a storm. I could see it ahead, and had my windshield wipers on high as the first drops hit. It was a total wall of water, and then all of a sudden the subtle heat lightening turned into these jagged lines across the sky. Flashes of lightening, jagged lines, straight ahead, to the right, to the left, overhead ... and then seemingly all of it at once, lighting up, followed by these crazy crashes of thunder. My first instinct, after slowing way down, was to pull over. The rain was crazy and the wind was causing the water on the road to act as though we were literally in a body of water with waves ... I kept looking for the spinning cow from the movie "Twister," to go by. Seriously.

Which is why I wasn't terribly inclined to stop and pull over -- because it all felt wrong. It felt as though we were in a ride -- that the lightening and thunder and rain and wind were all on overkill to make the ride more exciting. Except, it wasn't a ride. It was real, and suddenly I wasn't so sure the tin can we were in was even safe! Sure, you hear that the car is the safest place to be in a lightening storm, and I've actually never met anyone who was hit by lightening in their car (their house yes, but not a car!) But this was no run-of-the-mill lightening. This was lightening on steroids. I was SO THANKFUL that I had the beast of a car and not the Jeep with the canvas cover. I am not sure we would have survived in that!

Someone today said that there was hail in the storm. Seriously, it was so loud and overwhelming I wouldn't have noticed if there was hail. Could have been -- between the cacophony of sound from the skies, the windshield wipers going berserk and our screaming and scared out of our minds laughter, there could have been cats hitting the car and I wouldn't have noticed.

These pictures I have on here are exactly what it was like -- crazy stuff. I am somewhat relieved that they exist though, because it proves I'm not crazy!

I am not a sissy, and I repeat I love storms. But this was crazy violent and relentless. Is Mother Earth pissed or what?

I think so. I'm staying out of her way as much as possible!

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