Monday, April 12, 2010

Another school rant. Just because I can (for now)

(I think that three posts in two days means I can go somewhere and be baaaaaah-ad)

There is no public school (a government-mandated program) agenda, right? We send our kids to school to learn, right? That is ALL the schools are interested in, right?



YouTube - The Sheeple Syndrome and Public Schools (this is clearly purposely delivered in this manner to make you want to kill yourself. You know, like being in school.)


For years I struggled through school, hating every minute of it. The work wasn't difficult, it was the teachers and the atmosphere. It felt wrong. (Not when I was in elementary, and I admit that in junior high my hormones took over my brain and I forgot to hate school and was just glad there were boys there.) But by high school I was done. I couldn't take the small mindedness, the rigidity of teachers who couldn't even look you in the eye when you asked them a question because they had no intention of answering it. And while of course there were many good people within the system, I remember when one of my favorite english teachers later became principal of the school. We had always had a great relationship, and I had graduated the year before. I was in the hallway waiting for a friend when he came towards me. My face lit up as I recognized him and I opened up my mouth to congratulate him on his new position, when he growled at me that I wasn't allowed to be in the hall.

Huh? Was he kidding? He must be, right? This was an open concept school -- there were always people in the hall.

It took him a moment to register who I was, but instead of apologizing to me, he decided to stay his course, and pointed me towards the door. My instant reaction was FUCK YOU, and also, since I didn't actually go to that school, I believe I said it. Which resulted in him chasing me out the door, growling and foaming at the mouth.

Yeah, and who says power doesn't change people?

I hold a grudge. I willingly admit this. Events such as that imprint themselves on my brain for all eternity. The next time I was in a situation where I was face to face with this man was many, many years later. He was basically old and retired and had long since forgotten that we weren't best friends as we'd always been.

He smiled jovially at me and held out his hand. I gave him a withering look, one of those looks that can kill type ... you know the one ... and raised an eyebrow. He was speechless. Good. I felt he wasn't owed any explanation, and I ignored him. (There were other people there). The point of that little story was that really, even when I had good experiences at school, they were often replaced with much worse ones -- moments that stayed with me long after they should have, and had way more of an impact than they should have, because I truly believed that he had liked me and respected my mind.


Some where along the line he became more important than he'd been before. Why did he believe this? He was clearly made to believe this, and believe it he did. He exchanged a bit of his humanity for this; and didn't even know it.

So it's not really a big surprise that my own children had very negative experiences in public school, and now, only almost one year out of it, I realize how thankful I am! Because the public school systems want to create GOOD CITIZENS. And what that basically means is that a good citizen believes that teachers and administrators, as government employees, know best. Even if all evidence points to the contrary, a good citizen does not question the materials that they are taught.

And then you take those good citizens, one generation at a time, and begin to indoctrinate your agenda. Government has first claim to your children, and over the course of my children's education has worked very hard to get non-compliant parents out of the school. What kind of bologna is it that you can't walk into a public building because they lock the doors, with your child on the other side?

But who cares, right. Via the use of fear (sexual predators and children with guns) good citizens are convinced that they are being protected through these measures.

If only.

So I came across some anti-Obama rant from that talks about how Organizing for America, which is the successor organization to Obama for America, which aided in electing Obama, is seeking to empower students across the U.S. to help bring about his agenda for change. The upsetting thing about this, to the author of the rant, is that Obama is USING THE SCHOOLS to recruit his agenda.

Ummm. Well, yeah. There HAS to be an agenda, else what is there? A plan? Same thing. When government created its own Department of Education (which is unconstitutional if you read about it, but these days that is sort of par for the course and who cares, right) it had an agenda. Whatever it was, even if it was to legitimately educate the children of the United States, they still had to have an agenda. The first day of school, every child is handed out AN AGENDA. They love that word. So I guess Obama's agenda is to create free-thinking agents o change. What a shocker. We can't have this. The New World Order has no room for such garbage.

Okay, so according to this article, which can be found here Obama Using Public Schools To Recruit Agenda Advancing Interns |, he is recruiting interns from public schools to assist in advancing his agenda along with getting him re-elected. Oh, and even scarier, it suggests that they read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

How would you rather live? In a police state, or under the true auspices of justice, equality and peace? Because we are just a blink away from becoming a police state -- it's already started. Just go to Washington, D.C. Soon your own community will look like that, with policemen in combat gear holding machine guns standing outside your public buildings. I've seen it here, when the area went under martial law during an ice storm. It's scary, scary, scary shit, and they don't care about the people. AT ALL.

I would have loved to have read that book in high school! And why the hell not? What's wrong with that? Is it SCARY to have people read such things, if they have independent minds and are capable of making their own decisions in regards to what they have read? Or is the real problem here that once these "good citizens" get an inkling that being good isn't ALL there is in life, they might :::gasp::: rise up and demand that their rights not be violated?

Yeah, that would be bad. According to his hideous propaganda that Obama is sending out to the schools to advance "his agenda," he has "from his earliest years as an elected official, encouraged young Americans to believe that their efforts can change the world for the better."

It goes on to state: "If you are passionate about reviving the economy, making the United States a global leader in clean energy; and want to be on the front lines of political change, apply for an OFA internship today."

And the article ends with this: "Exit question: Is this something that should be happening at public schools funded with tax dollars, and isn't this a question media members should be asking?"

What exactly is it that is HAPPENING at public schools? They are being given this piece of paper. Aren't they taught in school to respect their government (teachers and administrators). Are they not? And isn't the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES someone they should be interested in? And if he is offering them an opportunity to brainwash them to become agents of change, don't they have the choice to throw it into the trash can if they want to? No where in this propaganda from the devil do I see consequences of any kind (negative or positive) if this opportunity is not enlisted.

What about the letters that come home from the school strongly suggesting that on the nights of government-mandated testing in the schools that I feed my child properly and make sure they get enough sleep? Isn't that a little over the top?

If my child came home with this socialistic Nazi mind-altering brainwashing totaliariinsimg (sic) piece of paper, I would encourage them to ask themselves, is this something I am interested in? If not, fine. But I find Obama inspiring when he speaks (yep, fell for the Kool-Aid hook line and sinker I guess), and he doesn't sound as though he wants your child to be a good citizen through keeping their mouth shut. His "agenda" sounds so much more appealing than stripping off my clothes as the airport to be a good, compliant and of course, safe American.

I am so happy that my children did not fit into the mold of public school. I am so happy that just by osmosis they didn't become good little citizens and believe that it was their job to shut up and not question anything. This bodes well for them in the future, because no one respects someone with no opinion -- especially those who believe they control you. What is it that these people fear? That their children, raised to be little sheeple, will all sign up to be brainwashed? Do they truly believe that their own free will can not be utilized here?

Should public schools be used to disseminate such information? They are government-run, people. Worry about what your children ARE NOT being taught, then what type of information they are bringing home. One you can throw away in the trash can, the other is irretrievable.

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