Monday, March 22, 2010

Meandering thoughts

I've read through the health care reform act and because I am not a huge user of health care to begin with, I don't see how it will benefit my family personally since the only thing to go into affect immediately is that insurance companies can no longer ban people with existing conditions.

And isn't that good?

I also don't see how it will affect my family negatively either -- as a small company owner, insurance coverage is astronomical -- and that's not for any cadillac plan. The issue of the cost of insurance has been a problem (in terms of affordability) my entire adult life, and the current system was not going to lower those rates any time soon. The unknown is sometimes better than the known, right?

I am just happy to see SOME type of movement in Washington and Obama needed some kind of positive thing to happen for him -- he lives in a shit storm NOT of his making, and I just can't imagine what it would be like to try to get change rolling in such a back-ass system of Just Say NO because We are of THIS party and they aren't.


I don't feel as though this touches me (or my children) because they are being raised to believe that they are personally responsible for their own health. And the care of it. And that starts with living a healthy life and eating healthy and organic foods and staying in shape and using alternative methods with which to maintain a healthy immune system.

And as long as you have a certain income, you will always have access to the health care options you desire. Money does indeed buy a lot. The government hasn't changed that ... yet! Though they might have to since their current monetary system is all but worthless. Hope there is gold in them thar hills!!!!

The government is a huge machine that moves in a turtle like fashion as it goes about its business. No, I don't think this is a positive thing in terms of this huge change that will change people's lives instantly. In fact, I don't have a very strong opinion of it one way or another, which must mean it's not all that monumental. It is just an illusion.

Last night I happened upon this show Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, or something like that, and this poor guy is trying to create healthy food and serve it to kids in school. First he has to deal with some government bureaucrat who tells him that his meals must be broken down into X amounts of bread, X amounts of protein, etc. and then he meets the lunch ladies, who use their can openers and that's it. They are serving pizza (oh, don't you just remember the cardboard pizza of school lunch days?) and he makes marinated chicken drumsticks, rice and a salad. As he helps one of the lunch ladies make salad dressing, he asks her if she has ever made it before. "Not here," she says.

Then the children can choose between pizza and chicken. Geesh. Which ones do you think they chose? We already know that children make poor choices just because they can. This isn't Jamie Oliver's fault; he was just trying to be courteous with the system. Why? The system doesn't even know what that word means. He is accused, when he presents his beautiful and colorful plate (against the pizza bland plate) of not having two servings of bread. He can't believe it! But the lunch ladies say that the pizza dough is two servings of bread. He has rice on his plate, but that doesn't count!

Welcome to the government lunch plan! Where Reagan declared ketchup a vegetable.

I felt so bad for the guy I was in tears. Because I know how he feels. I know what he is trying to do, but he is trying too big. You can't use children as your method of change because they just won't go home and beg for healthy food. I am not saying I have any answers -- but it's a tough, tough job to try to change people's minds.

He did empty out the refrigerator and freezer of this family who lived on crap. C R A P. And he piled it all on the table so that it looked like it was -- pure garbage. The woman saw nothing wrong with it in the packaging; she saw nothing wrong with it individually, but when he heaped frozen pizza upon corn dogs upon nachos and chicken fingers -- he asked her, now can you see that you only eat brown food? Garbage in, garbage out. Then he took the family out and they buried their fry-a-lator.

One family at a time, perhaps? This was a family all headed toward type-3 diabetes, and undoubtedly candidates for this new health care reform package.

But maybe they won't need it. Maybe they will eat healthy food and all of their health care concerns will dry up.

If you don't like a certain system and believe that it is bad. Then don't rely on it. There is an enormous amount of freedom in constantly striving to be self-sufficient. Not realistic to many people, no. But truly I believe it is our future.


Tomasen said...

That show was brutal!! The poor guy! And those nasty lunch ladies....or cooks should I say! ba ha hahah. The junk rules and it is a never ending battle.
He will be on again...

Tomasen said...
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It Rhymes With Witch said...

I am beyond thrilled that the health care bill passed. I have a special needs child. Try getting health insurance on them. Within reason. Last December he had to have a cap replaced on his tooth, and a dental cleaning. Because of his autism, he needs to be under general anesthesia for that procedure. NOT including the dentist charges (which were $1500) ... our bill for the FOUR hours we were in the hospital


My husband is a contract worker in the banking industry in Charlotte. We pay for our own health insurance out of pocket. Several hundred dollars a month, for a crappy policy that has a $7500 deductible PER PERSON.

So I'm absolutely beside myself with glee that we have finally joined the more civilized (read: european) countries in heading in the right direction regarding health care.

Lisa said...

Wow -- that is one hefty dental bill! It is always good to hear about people that it will benefit! All I seem to hear is negative things regarding the fact that the government is taking over everything and once it is mandated we are screwed.

Then I think about public education and think ... oh no ... maybe we are!

But maybe now that Obama has taken care of this problem, he'll move on to others, and I hope education is one of them.

Change is ALWAYS good.